It was the dogs that got me thinking about it. Service dogs take on a lot for their owners and the people they serve. What if Meredith, the beloved police comfort dog that my young family grew up visiting, had gotten some energy clearing - would she have died of cancer so soon? What if Tuesday from Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Himhad the opportunity to clear his energy - would he have been better able to serve? I was broken-hearted when I learned about the end of Montalvan's story. I figured, if I could help the dogs, I would impact their owners. But perhaps I could help the combat vets directly? I am the granddaughter of a WW2 POW. I can clearly see how the legacy of that experience has affected and is affecting four generations of our family. This is one way I know to offer healing to my family and to combat vets and their families so our legacy can be one of growth rather than disorder.
Do I just help military vets and their service dogs?
No. Those who come with good intentions is welcome.
Children will require a signature from their guardian and the guardian must be on the call or at the office. I am not acting as a medical professional so all laws allowing children to consent to medical procedures without the knowledge or consent of their guardians do not apply here.
What is Reiki and how do sessions work?
Reiki is a system of energy work that utilizes universal energy to promote relaxation which can shift your system into a healing state.
Sessions are one hour and can be done in-person and over the phone. During in-person sessions, I will hover my hands over you or I may lay my hands on you to allow for a transfer of energy. This can be done in many ways so we'll do whatever you're comfortable with BECAUSE if you're comfortable you can relax and if you can relax your body can enter into a healing state.
Distance sessions are done with the use of a surrogate (a pillow). It's kind of unbelievable, but you'll probably feel what I'm doing even though you might be far away. We’ll do a quick call. We’ll chat a bit. We’ll hang up and you will rest while I send Reiki to you. After I'm done, we’ll have another call and review anything that came up during the Reiki part of the session.
You will also receive continued care for the next 28 days after your most recent Reiki session. You’ll be on a list and I will continue sending you daily general Reiki energy for the next 28 days. This is the best way I know to provide you consistent care in a cost-effective way. You can, of course, get another personalized Reiki session during this time. You can also send me emails during this time so I can keep any updates in mind during your continued care.
What does it feel like?
Usually people think my hands feel really warm. If you're sensitive to energy, you may feel the energy move through your body.
Who is Reiki good for?
Everybody who wants to relax! There are no contraindications to Reiki. So, even if you're on medications, have a pacemaker, are pregnant, etc. it's all good. We can do Reiki. Just make sure you talk to your health care practitioner if you decide you want to change something (like your meds). I'm not acting as a medical professional when I do Reiki and certain meds require very careful dosage changes so, even if you're feeling better, always talk with the prescribing doc before you make those sorts of changes.
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